The Shadow's Veil
The Land's Need
The Broken Circle
The Forsaken
Hollow Kingdom
Shadow and Light
The Thin Red Line
Death of Merchant
The Golden Bough
Back in Faerie
Perilous Paths
The Black Woods
Twilight in Eranov
The Candle


The eighth Mordavia weekend event was played on the 17th-19th of February 2006.

Check out the discussion in the forum about Mordavia: Reckonings.

What Happened

Adventurers gathered in Berium to face the oncoming tide of the army of Nostralenia, brood of the Dark One. The Swamp had expanded and numerous towns had fallen, even Eranov herself was laid siege by the pestilence. The Barony of Berium decided to destroy the road north over the Swamp, leaving itself completely isolated in the center of the enormous mire. The Swamp breached the defences of Eranov, and thousands rose from their graves to haunt the fair northern city as ghouls.

Then in a bizarre twist of events, the missing daughter of the King, who was adventuring incognito, was captured by the forces of Nostralenia in Berium, and under torture gave up her secret identity. They ransomed her to the King in return for the ban of the worship of Erana and the removal of the Staff of Erana. The Order of Erana baulked at this royal decree and turned traitor, stealing the Staff from Berium and taking it to Eranov where they planted it in the grounds of the Temple of Erana, driving back the Swamp and the undead. With the staff gone from Berium, the Swamp began to slowly close in from all around that lonely town.

After many skirmishes, the army of Nostralenia finally arrived, in control of the undead XIII Legion of Rome and countless hordes of ghouls and cultists. The battle raged back and forth across a field near the Gilthanas Inn, till fallen heroes and monsters littered the battlefield. The few surviving townsfolk fell back to Berium Keep to hide behind its magic gate. Nostralenia and a handful of his followers beseiged the Keep, prepared to wait until their enemies died of hunger if need be. But instead the heroes sallied forth, and with a combination of wit, skill, and a hefty dose of good fortune they managed to defeat the brood of the Dark One and his followers. Yet the Swamp still closes in on Berium. Any hope of having the Staff of Erana returned seems lost, and the town with it.

Event Details

Start Friday 17th February 2006. Crew to arrive at 5pm, players at 7pm.
End Sunday 19th February 2006, 3pm.
Venue Motu Moana Scout Camp, Connaught St, Blockhouse Bay, Auckland
Cost for Crew $30
Cost for Players $80 base cost. Discounts:
  - $10 off for students
  - $10 off if paid before Jan 13th
  - $5 off for members of NZLARPS (see Diatribe)
Organiser Ryan Paddy, email ryan@mordavia.com or call (09) 918 6132.